Florida has a unique climate that is unlike any other in the country. The levels of humidity and heat can provide challenges to gardeners that are seeking to find the best flowers and plants for their gardens. If you have attempted to plant specific plants like lavender or gardenias and haven’t seen success or have faced challenges due to Florida’s climate, we’ve put together a list containing some flowers to plant that will thrive in Florida gardens.
These plants are naturally designed to do well in Florida! All the plants listed below are designed to grow best in hardiness zones 8-11, the growing zones specific to Florida.
1. Lantana
This is an absolutely stunning flower that is available in many colors. Lantana can be planted as an annual or a perennial. This flower is similar to verbena and has small, delicate blossoms that appear in a cluster. Each bloom contains a unique colored center eye. They are also known for their ability to attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to the garden. They require a good amount of watering after planted and will benefit from some light mulching or fertilizer. You can also deadhead the ends of the flower to extend the blooming time.
2. Blue Daze
This bright blue flower consists of ruffled petals with a small, white center eye. The flowers reach about an inch in size. Blue daze thrives in heat and humidity, making it the perfect plant for Floridians to grow. It is an annual plant that blooms from summer into fall. Blue daze grows best in zones 9-11 and prefers full sun. These little beauties are also deer resistant.
3. Bougainvillea
If you want an explosion of gorgeous color, bougainvillea is stunning flowering machines. They bloom almost all year long and look gorgeous against a fence or up against the side of the home. They require upwards of six hours of direct sunlight every day in order to gain maximum blooms and color. This plant prefers zones 9-11 and absolutely loves sun and humidity.
4. Pentas
Planting pentas is an excellent way to ensure you have blooms and color that lasts close to the entire year. They are a tropical plant with five pointy petals on each bloom. Pentas come in a wide variety of colors and are excellent for any gardener wishing to attract butterflies and hummingbirds. The plant can grow up to six feet in height and will grow quite slowly. They will not thrive in zones lower than hardiness zone 10.
5. Blue Salvia
These gorgeous blue-flowered blooms contain spikes of flowers that emerge from a bush of rich green foliage. It does well in even the most extreme heat, but it does require heavy watering. It will grow into a wide cluster that will reach about three feet in height. It is known for its showy flowers that bloom in the early summer through fall.
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